Nitin H. Vaidya
(This webpage is outdated.)
DISC Seminar
Spring 2018:
ECE 428/CS 425 Distributed Systems
Fall 2016:
ECE 526 Distributed Algorithms
Spring 2016:
CS 425/ECE 428 Distributed Systems
Fall 2015:
ECE 526 Distributed Algorithms
Spring 2015:
CS 425/ECE 428 Distributed Systems
Fall 2014:
ECE 526 Distributed Algorithms
Spring 2014:
CS 425/ECE 428 Distributed Systems
Fall 2013:
CS/ECE 438 Communication Networks
Spring 2013:
ECE 526 Distributed Algorithms
Fall 2012:
CS/ECE 438 Communication Networks
Fall 2011:
ECE 110 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fall 2011:
ECE/CS 598NV Distributed Algorithms
Spring 2011:
ECE 428/CS 425/CSE 424 Distributed Systems
Fall 2010:
ECE/CS 598NV Special Topics (Distributed Algorithms)
Spring 2010:
ECE/CS 439 Wireless Networks
Fall 2009:
ECE/CS 598NV Special Topics (Distributed Algorithms for Wired and Wireless Networks)
Spring 2009:
ECE/CS 439 Wireless Networks
Fall 2008:
ECE 438/CS 438 Communication Networks
Spring 2008:
ECE/CS 439 Wireless Networks
Fall 2007:
ECE 190 Introduction to Computing Systems
Spring 2007:
ECE/CS 498 NHV/NV4 Wireless Networks
Spring 2006:
ECE 498 NHV/NV4 Wireless Networks
Fall 2005:
ECE 428 Distributed Systems
Spring 2005:
ECE 462 Logic Design
Fall 2004:
ECE 498 Wireless Networks
Spring 2004:
ECE 362 Logic Design
Fall 2003:
ECE/CS 328 Distributed Systems
Spring 2003:
ECE 362 Logic Design
Fall 2002:
ECE 371nhv Wireless Networking
Spring 2002
ECE 497nhv Mobile Computing and Wireless Networking
ECE 490X Computer Engineering Seminar
Fall 2001
ECE 490X Computer Engineering Seminar
ECE 290 Introduction to Computer Engineering