Reviewer 3 of CDC12 submission 903 Comments to the author ====================== The authors develop an intricate and solid analysis of average consensus theory in non homogeneous unreliable, directed graphs. The proofs for the successful operation of the algorithm are clever and original . However, I have the nagging feeling that the approach adopted is somewhat brute force, and perhaps, a more suitable framework could yield simpler proofs. The authors should define more clearly terms such as broadcast mass, mass received, etc., early on in the paper. Reviewer 4 of CDC12 submission 903 Comments to the author ====================== This work addresses the problem of achieving average-consensus for a multi-agent distributed system in case of communication links that are heterogeneous and can drop packets with generally unequal probabilities. The underlying communication graph is a digraph. The same algorithm has been proposed in [8] under the assumption that the probability of a packet drop is the same for every link but here is analyzed in the more realistic scenario of unequal probability of a packet drop for each link. The same probabilistic model (Bernoulli) has been used (as in [8]) but here the probability q_{ij} differs for each link (i,j). The paper is quite dense theoretically but does not allow the reader to understand the implications of having unequal probabilities of a packet drop for every link. By comparing the analysis with [8] it is not clear to me what the significant adjustment of the proof methods (claimed in the Introduction), as compared to [8], is, e.g. first and second moment analysis seem to be the same if you replace the scalar q with the diagonal matrices of this paper. The reviewer believes that the authors should dilute their analysis by pinpointing to the differences from [8] and mainly focusing on the consequences of heterogeneous packet dropping links (e.g. convergence rate).