(This webpage is outdated.) |
reviews |
Effectiveness of Delaying Timestamp Computation ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), July 2017 |
Private Learning on Networks: Part II ArXiv, March 2017 |
Lower Bounds and Algorithm for Partially Replicated Causally Consistent Shared Memory ArXiv, March 2017 |
Characterizing and Adapting the Consistency-Latency Tradeoff in Distributed Key-Value Stores ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), February 2017 |
Private Learning on Networks ArXiv, December 2016 |
Timestamps for Partial Replication Technical Report, December 2016 |
reviews |
Relaxed Byzantine Vector Consensus 20th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2016), December 2016 |
Reaching Approximate Byzantine Consensus with Multi-hop Communication Information and Computation, Elsevier, Available online December 2016 |
reviews |
Asynchronous Non-Bayesian Learning in the Presence of Crash Failures 18th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2016), Nov. 2016 |
reviews |
Robust multi-agent optimization: Coping with Byzantine agents with input redundancy 18th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2016), Nov. 2016 |
reviews (Best Student Paper Award Finalist (1 of 3)) |
Non-Bayesian Learning in the Presence of Byzantine Adversaries International Symposium on DIStributed Computing (DISC), Sep. 2016 Best Student Paper Award Finalist (1 of 3) |
Robust Multi-Agent Optimization: Coping with Packet-Dropping Link Failures Technical Report, 2016 |
Distributed Optimization of Convex Sum of Non-Convex Functions ArXiv, August 2016 |
Distributed Optimization for Client-Server Architecture with Negative Gradient Weights ArXiv, August 2016 |
reviews |
Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Optimization: Optimal Iterative Distributed Algorithms ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), July 2016 |
Multi-agent optimization in the presence of Byzantine adversaries: Fundamental limits IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), July 2016 |
reviews |
Brief Announcement: Relaxed Byzantine Vector Consensus 28th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2016), July 2016 |
Efficient Timestamps for Capturing Causality ArXiv, June 2016 |
Relaxed Byzantine Vector Consensus Technical Report, January 29, 2016 |
Asynchronous Distributed Hypothesis Testing in the Presence of Crash Failures Technical Report, February 2016 |
reviews |
Concurrent-MAC: Increasing Concurrent Transmissions in Dense Wireless LANs International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications Wireless Networks (ICNC), February 2016 |
Fault-Tolerant Distributed Optimization (Part IV): Constrained Optimization with Arbitrary Directed Networks Arxiv, November 2015 |
Packet-Level Channel Switching in Multichannel 802.11 WLANs Technical Report, October 2015 |
Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Optimization: Part III Arxiv, September 2015 |
Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Optimization: Part II Arxiv, July 2015 |
Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Optimization: Part I Arxiv, June 2015 |
Queue-Based Priority MAC for WLANs Technical Report, September 2015 |
(Best Student Paper Award) |
Reaching Approximate Byzantine Consensus with Multi-hop Communication 17th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS), Edmonton, Canada, August 2015 |
reviews |
Fault-Tolerant Consensus in Directed Graphs 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), Spain, July 2015 |
LCN reviews |
O-ACK: An Adaptive Wireless MAC Protocol Exploiting Opportunistic Token-Passing and Ack Piggybacking short paper at the 40th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 2015 |
Poster: Improving Reliability and Performance of Dense-AP Network using DAPnet IEEE SECON, Seattle, 2015 |
Poster: Optimized O-ACK: An Adaptive Wireless MAC Protocol for Multiple Access Points IEEE SECON, Seattle, 2015 |
reviews |
Dynamic Switching with Heterogeneous Channels in Multi- channel 802.11 WLANs IEEE SECON, Seattle, 2015 |
reviews |
iPath: Intelligent And Optimal Path Selection for Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Communication IEEE INFOCOM, Hong Kong, April 2015 |
reviews |
Differentially Private Distributed Optimization International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2015), Goa, January 2015 |
Application-Aware Consistency: An Application to Social Network Technical Report, February 2015 |
Dynamic Switching with Heterogeneous Channels in Multichannel 802.11 WLANs Technical Report, December 2014. |
Crash-Tolerant Consensus in Directed Graphs Technical Report, December 2014. |
Reaching Approximate Byzantine Consensus with Multi-hop Communication Technical Report, November 2014. |
reviews |
Broadcast Using Certified Propagation Algorithm in Presence of Byzantine Faults Information Processing Letters, 2014 |
Overheard ACK with Token Passing: An Optimization to 802.11 MAC Protocol ACM S3 Workshop, September 2014. |
reviews |
Asynchronous Convex Hull Consensus in the Presence of Crash Faults ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS PODC, July 2014 |
Socially-optimal and Truthful Online Spectrum Auction for Secondary Communication Technical Report, June 2014 |
reviews |
Iterative Approximate Consensus in the presence of Byzantine Link Failures The International Conference on NETworked sYStems (NETYS), May 2014 |
reviews |
Optimal CSMA-based Wireless Communication with Worst-case Delay and Non-uniform Sizes IEEE INFOCOM'14, April 2014 |
Asynchronous Convex Consensus in the Presence of Crash Faults Technical Report, December 2014. |
Iterative Approximate Consensus in the presence of Byzantine Link Failures Technical Report, December 2014. |
reviews |
Iterative Byzantine Vector Consensus in Incomplete Graphs ICDCN, January 2014 |
Poster: Concurrent-MAC: Increasing Concurrent Transmissions in Multi-AP Wireless LANs poster at MobiCom, October 2013. |
reviews |
Byzantine Vector Consensus in Complete Graphs ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS PODC, July 2013 |
Iterative Byzantine Vector Consensus in Incomplete Graphs Technical Report, July 2013. |
Byzantine Convex Consensus: An Optimal Algorithm Technical Report, July 2013. |
Byzantine Convex Consensus: Preliminary Version Technical Report, July 2013. |
Byzantine Vector Consensus in Complete Graphs Technical Report, February 2013. |
reviews |
Token-DCF: An Opportunistic MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks the 5th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), January 2013 |
reviews |
Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus under a Generalized Fault Model ICDCN, January 2013 |
A new "direction" for source location privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks Globecom, December 2012 |
Exact Byzantine Consensus in Directed Graphs Technical Report, October 2012. (arXiv version) Other versions: Feb. 2013, Sep. 2012 |
Broadcast Using Certified Propagation Algorithm in Presence of Byzantine Faults Technical Report, September 2012. (Also on arXiv) |
CDC reviews |
Resilient Average Consensus in the Presence of Heterogeneous Packet Dropping Links IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012 |
CDC reviews |
Robust Consensus over Unreliable Links: Analysis Using Coefficients of Ergodicity IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012 |
Parameter-independent Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus Technical Report, August 2012. (arXiv) |
PODC reviews |
Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus in Arbitrary Directed Graphs ACM PODC, July 2012. (Technical report, arXiv) |
PODC reviews |
Byzantine Broadcast in Point-to-Point Networks using Local Linear Coding ACM PODC 2012.(arXiv, Technical report) |
SECON reviews |
Watchdogs to the rescue: Securing Wireless TCP IEEE SECON 2012 |
WWIC reviews |
Exploiting Opportunistic Overhearing to Improve Performance of Mutual Exclusion in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
10th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC), June 2012
Byzantine Broadcast Under a Selective Broadcast Model for Single-hop Wireless Networks Technical Report, May 2012 |
Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus under a Generalized Fault Model Technical Report, May 2012. (arXiv) |
RFID Reader Collision Problem: Performance Analysis and Medium Access Wireless Communicaitons and Mobile Computing, Wiley Publishers, April 2012 |
Matrix Representation of Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus in Directed Graphs Technical Report, March 2012. (arXiv) |
Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus in Arbitrary Directed Graphs - Part II: Synchronous and Asynchronous Systems Technical Report, February 2012. (arXiv) |
Token-DCF: An Opportunistic MAC protocol for Wireless Networks Technical Report, February 2012. (arXiv) |
Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus in Arbitrary Directed Graphs Technical Report, January 2012. (arXiv) |
INFOCOM reviews |
Experimental Performance Comparison of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Protocols for Data Centers IEEE INFOCOM, March 2012 |
COMSNETS reviews |
Capacity of Byzantine Consensus in Capacity Limited Point-to-Point Networks 4th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS), January 2012 |
Exploiting Opportunistic Overhearing to Improve Performance of Mutual Exclusion in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Technical Report, December 2011. |
Byzantine Broadcast in Point-to-Point Networks using Local Linear Coding Technical Report, November 2011. (arXiv) |
Distributed Algorithms for Consensus and Coordination in the Presence of Packet-Dropping Communication Links - Part I: Statistical Moments Analysis Approach Technical Report, September 2011. (arXiv) |
Multiparty Equality Function Computation in Networks with Point-to-Point Links
18th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO)
PODC Reviews |
Error-Free Multi-Valued Consensus with Byzantine Failures ACM PODC, June 2011. (Technical Report, arXiv) |
SECON Reviews |
WiSP: A Protocol for Overcoming MAC Overheads Using Packet Size Dependent Channel Widths IEEE SECON, June 2011. |
INFOCOM Reviews |
Capacity of Byzantine Agreement with Finite Link Capacity IEEE INFOCOM, April 2011. |
Capacity of Byzantine Consensus with Capacity-Limited Point-to-Point Links Technical Report, March 2011. |
Local Real-time Neural Networks-Based Learning for Tracking in an RFID Tag Field Poster presentation at the 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID, 2011. |
2010 |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
2005 |
2004 |
2003 |
2002 |
2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
1998 |
1997 |
1996 |
1995 and prior years |
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